Let us know about your Flight 3:16 experience. What was your involvement with Flight 3:16? I volunteered on staff My child(ren) attended Parents How did you find out about the Flight 3:16 Vacation Bible School? Advertising Someone knocked on my door Church Friend Other What was your favorite part of Flight 3:16? What was your child(ren)'s favorite part about Flight 3:16? What comment(s) did you hear your child(ren) making about Flight 3:16? Have you seen Flight 3:16 impact your child(ren) spiritually? In what ways? What strengths or weaknesses did you observe in the Flight 3:16 program? Would you recommend Flight 3:16 to a friend or church to host? How would you rate the overall Flight 3:16 VBS program on a scale of 1-10? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 What additional comments would you like to make about Flight 3:16? Staff Have you volunteered at a Vacation Bible School before? Yes No How many years have you assisted with a VBS? At what venue/church did you host Flight 3:16? What have been your responsibilities during Flight 3:16? Based on your experience, how easy was Flight 3:16 to use? Do you feel Flight 3:16 was budget friendly? How would you describe the level of preparation you received from the written manuals? Do you feel you were adequately prepared to conduct/perform your role during Flight 3:16? Did you have fun? What was your favorite part of VBS? What was your least favorite part of VBS? What age group did you serve with? Did you find that the children you worked with related well to the VBS theme? What was the favorite part of Flight 3:16 for the children you worked with? What was their least favorite part of Flight 3:16? Please share one “success story” from this week. Did you see God working in the lives of any of the children this week? If so, how? How would you describe the effectiveness of Flight 3:16 in terms of outreach? Are there any areas of the Flight 3:16 program you would change? Based on your experience, would you volunteer again next year? If you have assisted with a Vacation Bible School before, how did Flight 3:16 compare to prior years? CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.